Keshav lives in Chennai and he was going on a road trip to Mumbai with his uncle Nandan. His uncle taught him traffic rules while travelling.
Keshav: “Nandu Uncle, you are really driving well but not speeding the car. Why uncle?
Nandu Uncle: “Keshav – drivers, public and pedestrian should strictly follow traffic rules to prevent accidents. The driver must always have the following documents in their vehicle.
The driver should also have a good knowledge of road signals. Besides the rules, the driver should follow are:
A driver is bound to follow the above and if he/she violates, he will be punished by the police.”
Keshav: “Uncle, what are the traffic rules that pedestrians should follow?”
Nandu Uncle: “Those who walk on the highway are called pedestrian. As a pedestrian, we should follow:
When travelling in public transportation like buses, we should follow:
It is our responsibility to follow these traffic rules.”
Keshav: “Uncle Nandu, you mentioned that you will teach me the road signals and road signs?”
Nandu Uncle: “It would be better to explain them through pictures. I’ll teach you when we go home.”
Keshav: “Thank you, Uncle Nandu!”
After completing the journey, Uncle Nandu explained to Keshav about road signals and hand signals through the following photograph.
Road Signal Lights:
Road signal lights are provided to control traffic congestion, help pedestrians to cross streets safely, and avoid accidents.
You have learnt the rules of traffic that should be followed by the driver, pedestrians, and public vehicle passengers, documents to be always carried by the driver, road signals, light signals, etc.
Exercise – 01
Answer the following questions.
Exercise 02
02). Warning Road signals
1. Circle 2. Rectangle 3. Triangle
03). Traffic police action to signal to control traffic congestion
1. Head 2. Hand 3. Mouth
04). Pedestrians uses to cross the road
1. White line 2. Yellow line 3. Both are true
05). What action to follow if yellow light is shining
1. Stop the vehicle 2. Vehicle can go 3. Get ready to go
Exercise – 03
Remember road signals, light signals, hand signals etc. with pictures.